Friday, June 29, 2007

Early Morning Ramblings

I should be sleeping, but alas I am not. Those that know me well would take from that that either one of two situations had occurred that I had been out with friends and the extravert in me got so charged up by stimulating conversation that I couldn’t fall asleep, or that I am stressed. I wish I could say that it was the extravert in me at work because then I would have at least been doing some thing fun and exciting like visiting with some of you. But really it is a combination of stress, an ear infection that is driving me crazy and the fact that my neighbours have been out enjoying the Canada Day weekend early and the “extravert” in them decided that they needed to carry on a conversation at 3-5am. I guess there are some things that I won’t really miss about Canada.

One other thing that I won’t really miss but I am afraid that it follows me where ever I go is the packing. I had calculated being done this weekend, so that I could finish the last of the renovations next week and the shopping and packing the week after. Needless to say that my calculations were off and I will be lucky to have the house packed and the renovations done before the renters move in on the fourteenth. (Anyone interested in nailing up trim or painting a bathroom?) I just don’t think that I will be able to keep my sanity if the packing is still being done within hours of leaving for the airport. Last time we were still throwing things into a suitcase just before rushing off to the airport because we didn’t realize how much longer it takes to pack a suitcase that you have to be careful about weight allowances and size, etc. It was not a pleasant experience, especially when you have an hour car ride to the airport to remember everything that you forgot! At least on that front I am a little ahead of the game because I have two suitcases packed and weigh already and as long as they don’t end up in storage instead of going on the plane I’ll be in good shape.

This past weekend we made our last road trip to Deep River, Ontario via Huntsville. We took some pictures of the families that we visited and the boys in church with the pastor’s kids and all kinds of things, but either Dave has removed them from the camera and put them on the other computer or the batteries were too far gone and the pictures didn’t take. Sorry!

Please pray for us as we journey through this time of transition. Pray also for the boys, while in Deep River they told the pastor’s kids that the African boys used to beat them up. It was true that they both had a bad experience and so we are praying that they can get past that and it won’t interfere with their ability to make friends and connect with the community. Hopefully we will see many of you at the commissioning service (Dave promises to have a map up later this week!).


Anonymous said...

Praying for you.....we are in the 'packing' stage also.....not fun, especially with the new weight allownaces...urg!

EDITOR said...

Jenn and Dave,

I was delighted to learn of your blog as we are greatly interested in following your ministry and news. You will be in our prayers.


Pastor Keith Lohnes (& Gael)
Grace Methodist Church, Mississauga