The last month and a half has been somewhat chaotic. In late May, Dave travelled home to accept his diploma. He arrived home to crazy power outages that led to us losing every thing in our freezer and a power surge that killed our modem and took us offline. During one of the blackouts, Pastor Soter was driving home and passed a gendarme training camp when suddenly they started shooting! I've heard no real reports on what happened but various rumours suggested that some anxious trainees got frightened in the dark. We drove to Lome in Togo to escape the power outages and the heat. Lome is on the coast and so we were able to visit the beach. We travelled with some fellow Canadians from Saskatoon. On Sunday we visited the local Free Methodist Church. They had a baby dedication that morning and our friend Nathan was called out to come and pray for the baby.
Our journey home was relatively uneventful but the morning after arriving I awoke to find that the one of the front tires was flat and beyond repair. This week the priming pump went altogether on our truck, leaving it immobile. Needless to say, we are glad these issues waited until we arrived home to happen.
Since coming home I've been looking at some "next steps" that we need to take in working with the church here and moving towards church planting. Ramadan has started so many of our friends are now fasting daily. Please pray that we will have wisdom in charting our course forward and relating to friends and neighbours.
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