Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The electricity and our internet connection have become unreliable. The power’s been off two or three times this morning and I’m waiting for the phone company to come and sort out my internet connection. I’m writing this blog on faith.

Jennifer is in Germany at a Christian education conference with the other staff from the boys school. The last time she participated in this conference she enjoyed it and felt inspired to teach once more. Hopefully the cool weather and the fellowship will give her some needed time of renewal.

In the meantime construction continues move forward and will soon reach the second floor as you can see in the photo.

The boys are for two weeks of Easter break. They seemed to be taking it easy but aren’t making much progress on the chores mom left behind. So far dad has managed to keep them fed.

Please pray that the internet cooperates for my thesis defense which is scheduled for next week. I have bought plane tickets for my graduation in my May and I’m hoping that wasn’t premature.

1 comment:

Ladywriter said...

Dave, it's Rhonda Bulmer from Glad Tidings in Moncton. Dreamed about you last night and searched out your blog this morning. Can't remember a lot of details...stirring a large cauldron of food? Sounds kind of funny when I read your latest post, about feeding the boys, but I originally thought it had to do with "feeding my sheep." Anyway, we prayed for you when we awoke. Stay safe!