Saturday, March 9, 2013

It is finished! Well sort of…

This week I handed in the final draft of my thesis for evaluation. A week ago I handed in a complete version that included all the chapters, etc, but my professor sent back a few final revisions. I’d like to think it’s the last that I’ll see of it but of course it isn’t. In a month’s time I will give an oral defense of it, which will probably require a final round of editing and corrections. Even then it will not be the last of my work.

A while ago another missionary asked me what I was writing about. “Something esoteric that rest of us have never heard about no doubt,” he said. When I told him I was writing about church planting in Niger he was pleasantly surprised. The goal of the thesis has been to provide some working material for our ministry here in Niger and the final editing will not be for the seminary but in the trial and error experiences of our work with believers here.
In the mean time construction is continuing on our ministry centre as the walls go up on the building around us. Please pray that things for the construction go according to the plans.

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