Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sick for Christmas

I think this Christmas might be a little different from last year. (Don't you love our Christmas tree!) I don't think that we'll be wearing shorts this year. But there are some things that never change...

I know that the Christmas season has finally arrived at our house because we are sick. I can't remember very many Christmases when I was a kid that I wasn't sick and now Cole is following in that tradition. Both years that we were in Niger Cole was sick for the last few days of school before Christmas. (Yes I am more or less holding him up in the picture). This year both Ben has been home since Monday and the school called yesterday for us to get Cole are sick and now I'm coming down with something.I know that I must be sick because it is 2:45am and I have resorted to taking NeoCitron in order to be able to breath and sleep (and I REALLY hate the taste of that stuff), but if it will buy me some sleeping time I'll take it!

It is unfortunate that we missed the Christmas concert for the boys school last night. Cole was really looking forward to putting Frosty together. I suspect that the Grandparents were as disappointed as anyone since both sets were actually planning on being there.

Please pray for us that we can get through this quickly. My sister's father-in-law is going through chemotherapy right now for lung cancer and they aren't allowed to visit him if they are sick. So, we might not get to see my sister's family if we are all sick and the boys will be really disappointed if they don't get to see their cousins--not to mention the fact that Grandma hasn't been able to find the present that they really wanted for Christmas (a Wii). Hopefully they won't find Christmas too disappointing.

If I don't get to this again before next Monday: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

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