Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A God Day

Dave describes a "God Day" as one of those days when everything goes crazy but still seems to work out because you are walking with God and He is organizing and planning the day even though it makes no sense to you. We have been having a few of these lately.

A week ago Saturday was one of them, we went to go shopping but instead ended up taking a sick old man to the clinic. However, just before we arrived there the clutch in the truck died (completely, I mean there was nothing there!). But it just so happened that we were around the corner on a quiet side street, and we were able to make it to the clinic without having to stop. So the truck died in the parking lot. God arranged for our mechanic to send one of his guys to come and get it (even though the garage was closed that day) and the mechanic's assistant was able to get the sick man and his family home. We were also taken care of because the doctor is a neighbour of ours and not only was she at the clinic with a vehicle (even though it was her day off) but her husband was there too with a second vehicle, so there was plenty of room to get home.

Today was another one our neighbour who we thought we were taking to the clinic for a sore mouth and arm, turned out to be anemic and severely malnourished. The doctor was really surprised by her test results because she was still walking around and seeming to function when her condition was such that she needed to be hospitalized for a blood transfusion. So, instead of doing what I had thought I would be doing (school work and preparation for our church retreat this weekend) I ended up waiting in lines at the National hospital. Even with the abrupt change in plans I can still look back on the day and say that I got somethings accomplished, maybe not what I had in mind but probably better than most. That has to be a God thing!

Please pray for Dave as he finishes his preparations for speaking at the church retreat this weekend (I am not sure he can afford too many more interruptions--but I am sure that God can take care of that). Pray for all those that are involved that they may be able to learn and apply the skills and concepts that Dave is hoping to teach. Pray for the boys that they will be able to communicate and help with the kids program. Pray for me that I don't get stretched too thin wearing too many hats. Also please pray for health and protection, the mosquitos seem to be really bad this year and with that is an increased risk of malaria.

PS We just got a call from the school that there will be no school tomorrow because of the threat of the river flooding. Please pray that the measures that have been put into place would be sufficient to protect the school campus this year.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to School

Today marks the first day of school for Jennifer and the boys. The boys have been making the most of the last few weeks of vacation. Ben’s been doing odd jobs around the house to earn a little bit of extra cash and Cole’s been trying to work through a correspondence course for Chemistry. Jennifer has been working to get not only her class but also the school ready for today. Most of the renovations from last years flood have been completed but there are still a few handymen (and women) putting together the science lab and the cafeteria.

August, however, is still holiday season for most students in Niger—school doesn’t begin until late September. The church youth are participating in weeklong youth retreat at which Dave shared Tuesday afternoon. This youth retreat is being done in conjunction with several churches in town. Dave has been working on putting together a leadership retreat for the church at the end of this month that will focus on church planting. Please pray that not only the details would come together but that this would be a time when God would speak to people and be a catalyst for further ministry.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lightening Strikes --Roll With It

Yesterday morning we awoke to an incredibly loud clap of thunder that sounded almost simultaneously with a brilliant flash of lightening. I wasn't sure whether it had struck our house, a nearby power line or the power plant that is only a few buildings away from where we live, but I was certain that it must have done some damage just by the sheer force of the impact. This was quickly confirmed when all our ceiling fans went from full speed to barely moving and we checked the regulator on the fridge that should read 220V and it was fluctuating between 80 -100V. Which is really not good for anything that was trying to run!

We reported to the electric company and where told that we would be put on there list but where a bit concerned that they wouldn't get to us that day and we knew that nothing would happen the next day because of the Ramadan holiday. I asked some teachers at the boys' school if they would pray because I knew that they were meeting to pray for various school concerns. When we checked in with some of our neighbours we discover that the problem extended into much of the neighbourhood.

Thankful we were only without power for twelve hours and things are running normally now but it really interfered with my plans to get computer work done. Dave just kept reminding me that this was life in Niger and not to expect too much, but to "roll with it". I confess that there are times when it is easier to "roll with it" than others and this was just one more complication added to a long list of them over the last few weeks as I have been trying to get ready for school (that starts next week) as well as keep on top of my church/ministry/mission work. Please pray for me that I would continue to be able to "roll with it" and not get pulled under by the set backs. Pray that we would be able to maintain our spiritual, emotional and physical energy even in the face of difficulties. And please pray for the boys' school that everyone would be ready to go next week when classes are scheduled to begin and that this would be a really good school year, despite some staffing gaps.

PS Sorry the last post was just a family picture there was other comments that I wanted to make but ran into technical difficulties :)