I realize that it’s been a few weeks since we posted—our apologies. I had a blog to post a couple of weeks ago but had internet trouble. Our old connection suffered a number of problems, including the offshore cable that was damaged. Unable to download email we have switched services and waited another couple of weeks to get connected—we should have been online a week ago but the technician who came to do the installation did half the job, promising to finish the job the next day. It was a week before we saw anyone again.
In the mean time school has started in again for the boys and Jenn is temporarily filling in one English class till the teacher arrives (tomorrow). She is also the chairperson for Sahel school board and today is their big-all-day-team-building-orientation-for-new-members-meeting. Last minute printing jammed, before loading up the kids in the car but can’t find the keys to unlock it only to discover that they are locked inside the car, pulling out the spare that only unlocks the doors (no computer chip in the key) and the engine won’t turnover. Jenn gets behind the wheel while, Cole takes the dog, and the guard and I push. No luck except that Jenn manages to stop rolling just before the mud lake that’s formed at the end of our drive way. A stranger passing by helps us to push the car back into the yard except Cole loses control of the dog who decides this new guy is a threat and goes on the offensive. The dog is now whining in the shed, Ben is crying because he’s late and won’t get a sticker in his day book and Mom decides it’s a lost cause and will take the kids in a bush taxi.
I think my wife (the English teacher) would call those run-on sentences and put an X beside them. I call it a literary device that lets you feel what this morning felt like. The day (and the week) is not done but with a portable solar panel the car is now running and I’m writing a blog that is long overdue. (The other one which I thought had been saved to the desktop is no where to be seen—I will post it when found.) Last night I met with Annie’s Dad for coffee and heard a little more of his story. Please pray for him. Annie is apparently on the way home from Ghana. The political situation seems relatively stable though that seems to require riot police, tear gas and the military on occasion. We are in no danger.
By the way, in the taxi on the way to school the boys and I got stopped by a marathon that the Police were running. Then later that day, the battery Dave thought was finally working--exploded! Thankfully we were rescued by the principal of the boy's school who drove the boys and I home and lent us her care to get a new battery for the car.
sorry... no fun.
we do pray for all our niger friends and family.
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