Saturday, December 6, 2014

Building Advances & Signs of Christmas

This first picture is what the construction site looked like last week when we where there with the architect and his wife.

The beginnings of a ceiling/floor!

This week we were able to see some advances with some of the walls and ceilings going up.
Building some walls for support!
 We are so grateful for so many of you who keep us in prayer. We were reminded once again of how vital that is when a friend in our congregation talked about the accident that he was in this week during bible study. Thankfully his injuries were minor, but driving in Niger is never without its risks.
 Holidays have their own challenges here. Please pray for many of the staff at the boys school who are experiencing the challenges of living in a place so different from home and so far from family. Pray that we will be able to come up with some creative ideas for engaging our community for Christ as we celebrate this year. The last picture is one of the signs that the holidays are approaching here in Niamey. I was at a Christmas bazaar today at the American Rec Center where I ran into this.

Our prayer is that you will experience the Christ of Christmas this year in a fresh new way.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Love your updates & pics...blessings to y'all <3