So, I started a list this week. I don't know that I have noticed any radical changes in my life. I am not sure that we fully see the changes that happen within us (and what can I say, its hot season in Niger!) I don't know if I will be disciplined enough to make it to a thousand let alone a lifelong habit, but I am enjoying seeing God in the little moments of daily life. Maybe you will want to join me?
#23 A smile returned by a stranger
PS Please keep us in your prayers as hot season is in full swing and we are facing the pressures of the end of the school year. Dave is finally in the home stretch with his thesis and I think we are all feeling it, hopefully that burden will be relieved on Thursday. Please also pray that the building will be able to be completed by this summer. There have been bigger rains earlier than usual and that may have an affect. --please also pray that these rains won't be a problem for plant life here.